Dulce Et Decorum Est: Compare Manuscripts

Stage II: Compare Manuscripts

Below you will be able to view and compare images (facsimiles) of the four manuscripts of 'Dulce et Decorum est'. Any combination of pairs of manuscript images can be compared and contrasted. Once you have decided on a base manuscript, use the button beneath the manuscript images to continue.

Choosing a Base Manuscript

At the heart of your edition will be the base manuscript. This is the manuscript (or typescript, also known as a 'witness') of the poem which you feel to be most representative of authorial intention, i.e. the closest to the version Wilfred Owen meant for publication. There are many things you can base this decision on, for example:

  • Is there any indication as to which manuscript was the last one worked on by Owen?
  • Can you work out the order in which the manuscripts were composed, i.e. does one look like it was copied from but then worked on and altered in order to better the poem?
  • Are all the manuscripts complete or do some of them only retain part of the poem?
  • Is one of the manuscripts a 'final draft' as opposed to a 'working draft'?


Compare to:  

Note: Left click to Zoom in, Right click to Zoom out